I tell ya, some kids will do anything for a free t-shirt! We took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese tonight in Birmingham (about 45 min. away) to celebrate Mackenzie's graduation. Well, on the way there, we (Tom and I) heard what we thought was just Camden passing gas. Turns out it was MUCH more than just passing gas! As I went to get him out of his carseat, I noticed "yuck" all down his leg! I immediately took him inside & into the restroom. Now mind you, I had JUST cleaned out our van last night & took all the extra stuff out, including our bigger diaper bag that had a spare change of clothes in it & hadn't thought to put it back in the van, so all I had was our small bag with just an extra diaper & some wipes. I kinda thought I'd just use a wet wipe & clean off his clothes enough to get us through dinner, but when I got into the restroom & took a closer look at the situation, there was no way I could just wipe off the clothes!!! Poop was everywhere! Luckily I had enough wipes to get his entire bottom half of his body cleaned up, but that meant we were left to just put him in a diaper. So, I left the bathroom to go ask where the closest Wal-Mart or something was to hopefully buy some cheap something for him to wear for dinner. The girl at the register was like, well, we have t-shirts here, and I just smiled and said I was looking for something cheap. So she started to give me directions, and then just said, oh never mind....I'll just give you a t-shirt & not charge you. (I had Camden with me, so she saw that he was truly just in his diaper & I had explained what had happened). SO...anyways, all that to say, Camden got a free Chuck E. Cheese t-shirt out of the whole deal!

And then there's Mackenzie....sometimes she'll do anything to get out of going to bed! (well, so will Jenna, but that's besides the point) Tonight as we told the girls it was time to go to bed, Mackenzie said her tooth was really bothering her again. (Her other top front tooth is really loose) I've heard this the past couple days & also last night at bedtime, so I didn't think too much about it. Usually I just say, well, I'll give it a pull, but it's probably not ready to come out yet. So, I got a wet paper towel & gave a quick yank not expecting anything, when to my surprise, out came her other front tooth! SO, of course this meant we had to deal with the bleeding, showing off the tooth, letting everyone hold it, etc etc etc. and in the end she succeeded in holding off bedtime probably another half hour!! Never a lack of excitement around our house I guess!

1 comment:
Hey Mackenzie,
I wish you could come over and play. I wouldn't play any of my video-games. We could play webkinz together. I'm really happy that you're my friend. My mom showed me that you lost your tooth. Mine aren't even loose! I hope the toothfairy gives you a lot of money.
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