I've got a few minutes so I thought I'd post an update. Tom took the girls shopping for a Mother's Day gift (better late than never, huh??....Mainly Jenna keeps bugging him to go buy a toy for me for Mother's Day).
Anyways, Tom spent the weekend at a motorcycle training class so that he could get his motorcycle license. So I got to enjoy mother's day with the kids by myself for the most part. That's OK...they did pretty good :)
Tom went & got his Alabama license today, complete with his CDL certification, his motorcyle whatever, and his boater's certification (you have to have one here in AL to operate your watercraft if you're a resident). SO...he's all licensed & ready to go here. I've gotta go before long & get mine I guess. Tom keeps bugging me to get my motorcycle certification - why in the heck would I want that???
I've started putting Camden on the potty a few times. Nothing real serious yet, but just getting him used to the idea. Funny thing, though, is that since I've done that, he's started pooping in his diaper 1st thing in the morning before I even get him out of bed. Hmmm.....used to be he always went about 1/2 hr. after breakfast. We'll see what happens when I get serious!

We've also discovered we have to be careful what we keep at his level of reach. We've lost a few items around here because he gets a hold of things & puts them who knows where. For instance, Tom was re-charging our camera battery a couple weeks ago and Camden got a hold of the charger & unplugged it and took it somewhere. I searched & searched this stupid little apartment & couldn't find it anywhere! Finally we decided he must have thrown it in the trash, so Tom reluctantly bought a new one on E-bay, otherwise we wouldn't have had any way to re-charge our camera & when the battery ran out we'd be done. (Not a good thing when you're gonna build a house!!) Of course, the day after he bought it, guess what I found? Yep, the charger...under a chair that I swear I had looked under about 4 times!
I've finally started wearing maternity clothes. Now that the weather is warm enough for shorts, my regular shorts didn't fit, so I had to resort to maternity. So I spent the day switching out my normal clothes for maternity ones. Guess making it till 27 weeks isn't bad, though.
We're meeting with our builder tomorrow at lunch and he's supposedly going to have our house "laid out" on the property for us to approve. He got all the permits he needs today, so they'll finish knocking down a few last trees in the morning, and once we give our approval I guess they'll start digging the basement. Tom had met with the people who are doing the basement last week and it sounds like they said they can have the basement walls done w/in 3 weeks. Of course that always remains to be seen. Either way, we're at least making some progress. Here's some pics from the last couple days:
A bunch of trees marked that need to be taken down

Another view after the trees were mostly gone

And a pic from tonight of where our house is gonna sit

Now you may be wondering why there are still a couple trees in these pics that are marked with orange that haven't been taken down? Funny story - there is a cable line that goes directly across our lot which is only about 8-9 feet above the ground. We have been calling the cable company almost daily to tell them that the line needs to be taken down ASAP so that our excavator can knock down trees! Well, they finally came out today (after what, 7 days of calling??) and made arrangements with the excavator that they will come back tomorrow morning at 6 a.m. and take the line down for 1 day! Why in the world they don't just re-route it is beyond us, but whatever! So, the last of the trees will come down tomorrow when the line isn't in the way. Then I guess they're gonna come back tomorrow night & put the line back up until it needs to be permanently moved when we start the basement walls.
I guess this post turned out to be pretty long. Not sure how many of you stuck with me, but thanks for reading! Will check in later....