Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mystery Diagnosis

Ok, funny story to tell you! I got up from my nap this afternoon & was feeding Trevin when I flipped the TV on & was switching through the few channels we have. I stopped on TLC, and was intrigued when I heard something about a couple whose daughter had a febrile seizure. I continued to watch it (I missed the beginning) and long story short was AMAZED to find that girl was eventually diagnosed with hypoparathyroidism. Exactly what Jenna has! It was amazing to hear what this couple went through...their daughter went through 3 seizures, with the last one being not until she was 11 years old! Kinda weird watching it thinking, huh, this sounds just like Jenna, I wonder if it could possibly be the same thing? I was so excited when they said she had low calcium & to watch how they did the exact same things for her that they did for Jenna when she was in the hospital. Mackenzie & Jenna came in from outside to catch part of it, too, and Mackenzie was like "is that what happened to Jenna?" when she saw the seizure part. (Mackenzie had never seen the "seizures" with Jenna). I missed the very end of the show due to loud kids, but it sounds like they also found something else wrong with this girl - something adrenal, but overall, the point is it was amazing to watch! The funniest part is that when Jenna was in the ER for the 3rd time, I had said to the dr's that I wanted to be on mystery diagnosis! Guess that won't happen now since they've already done a show on it! Oh well....another missed chance as a TV star :)

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