What's happening in the life of the Palmers
And we also gave Tom a 3-hour haircut! I say "we" because it literally was we - me, his mom and his dad! The clippers were terrible, and I've never done it before, so I was slow trying to make sure I didn't mess anything up too bad, and Tom was just plain picky. So it took all 3 of us to get it done, and it took forever!!
This was just after the fireworks started, and Camden was sitting watching them:
And this video is a little bit of what we enjoyed. Tom is the one who recorded it, so you'll hear him & Mackenzie every once in a while on it! There are actually 2 sets of fireworks going off, so Tom tends to switch the camera from one to the other quite a bit, and there are also fireworks that are set off from a bridge, so you'll see those as well. One last note is that this is NOT the grand finale! Hope you enjoy!
Somehow, the snowman instead of falling over, ended up leaning way over to the side after a few hours. We've never seen anything like it!
I'm glad to say that we had a nice sunny day today, so the snow has already melted away, except for a tiny bit of the snowman. But, let me share just a funny little note about yesterday's fun in the snow. Tom was so amazed at how much snow we were getting that he wanted to get pictures of the girls outside, so he just hollered for them to leave whatever they were doing & "come outside to see the snow!" Well, neither of the girls had socks, shoes, or coats on, and he was going to let them go outside like that! What was he thinking?? Luckily, I stopped them just in time & made them get socks, shoes & coats on before going out. They still didn't have hats or gloves on, and Tom let them lay in the snow & make angels. Needless to say, Jenna came in freezing cold about 5 minutes later, wrapped her hands in a warm sweatshirt & fell asleep on the couch. Mackenzie is a die hard in the snow, so she lasted longer, but she was freezing when she came in as well.
Camden has been working on his smile:
Here are the girls in their Easter dresses (although they wore sweaters to church!)
And here's Camden getting love from his sisters
After church Sunday, the girls and I headed to Springfield, Ohio to my sister's house. My parents are there babysitting, so we decided to go over there for a quick visit. The next picture is more for my sister's benefit since she's out of the country & I'm sure will be thrilled to see what the girls did to her son :) I'm sure this is probably what Camden has to look forward to as well with big sisters!!