I don't think I ever told about the alligator we had in the river in Riverside. A couple weeks ago a 6-7 foot alligator made it's way into the sleugh (channel) in downtown Riverside. One of the news channels showed up to do a story on it, and lots of people from Riverside showed up to watch to see what happened. Mostly those "in charge" stood around and talked about what to do, but they wouldn't do anything while everyone was there. My opinion is that they didn't want everyone to see them make fools of themselves, but they claim it could be dangerous if the alligator decided to come up on shore. They cleared everyone out around 6:30 p.m. and said they were going to bait some traps & try to capture it that night to re-locate it somewhere else. I wasn't the least bit surprised to find out the next day that they hadn't been successful in capturing it, and it had left the sleugh. I did read later that they saw it again in the next couple days over by the apartments we used to live in. I have never heard for sure if it was ever caught (I highly doubt it), but I have heard rumors that someone shot it. We'll probably never know for sure, but I do know that I will think twice about getting in the water around here :)
Tom tried to take the girls swimming last week over by the apartments by where they used to swim when we lived there before, but they were smart & said "No Way!" I can't believe he even tried to get them to swim there!
Here's a couple pictures from the big day...

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