Monday, May 18, 2009
Update to last post
A quick update - Kristin went in Friday and they were still able to find a heartbeat! So, she waited, and went back in this morning. Guess what?? Her little girl is STILL fighting!! She will go back again Wed. morning to check again. Please continue to pray for their family, and that if it be God's will that He will HEAL this little girl & show that dr. who is truly in control!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Please pray for my friend Kristin & her family tomorrow (Friday) as it will be a very rough day for them. Many of you recall that she delivered a baby boy (Noah) about 2 1/2 years ago that had a fatal syndrome, and only lived a little over an hour and a half before going home to be with Jesus. She is expecting again, and found out last week that this baby girl that she is carrying does not have the same fatal syndrome, but instead was in heart failure. She is about 16 weeks along I believe. She went in today for another check-up & the dr. was still able to find a very faint heartbeat, but she is to go in again tomorrow as he was pretty sure the baby will have passed away by then, and she will be induced to deliver this little one. So many emotions for them, and it is killing me that I can't be in Ft. Wayne to wrap my arms around her & be there to help out. But, God is in control, and He will bring them through this trial as well. My love & prayers go out to them, and I hope you'll be praying for them as well! Thank you!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A few things here & there
Here are some of the most recent things going on....
Jenna finally got her Kind. shots for next year, and she is now officially all registered for next year! She also had more blood drawn, and her calcium level was down a bit. We had taken her off tums quite a while ago, but it looks like she's got to go back on them. She's not happy about that. It's a battle 3x a day again now! I may call the endocrinologist & see if there are any other options.
Mackenzie only has 5 days of school left after today. I'm kind of excited that I won't have to get her up at 6:15 any more & we'll get to sleep in a little! I'm hoping to take the kids to the Georgia aquarium sometime after she gets done with school.
Camden is learning the hard way what fire ant hills are all about. He thinks it's fun to poke them with a stick. He got a bunch of bites on his hand just yesterday doing that. I've tried to tell him he's got to stay away from them, but I guess he's just gonna learn by experience!
Trevin was dedicated at church this past Sunday, Mother's Day. This was the 1st time we didn't have any grandparents with us....kinda sad, but special for Trevin just the same.
Mackenzie will be getting baptized at church May 31. My parents are coming down for a visit for the occasion. We're all very excited.
Speaking of grandparents...Tom's parents made a surprise short visit a couple weeks ago. They had been visiting friends in South Carolina, and at the last minute decided to "drop by" to visit us. It was a quick visit as they didn't get here until around 5 p.m. Sun. afternoon and left Monday morning, but we enjoyed having them here just the same!!
Jenna accepted Jesus as her Savior on Sunday, April 19! Tom and I are so excited that she has made the most important decision of her life! We continue to pray that as she gets older she understands even more what it means to have Jesus as Lord of her life!
I think that pretty much summarizes our past few weeks. Here's a couple more pictures for you to enjoy:
Jenna won this big inflatable chair at a grand re-opening party at a local McDonalds. They all love to sit in it on the ottoman to watch TV

Look closely!! Can you see what is in this boot???
It was pouring down rain today & for some reason Jenna wanted to put her boots on & found a little "surprise" instead. I still can't believe it!

(in case you didn't figure it out, it's a dead mouse)
9 months
Trevin is 9 months old now. Seems hard to believe. I took some pictures of him the other day & gave him a strawberry to eat. He really seemed to enjoy it...

What a cutie, huh? Most everyone says he looks just like Jenna. But, it's probably a toss up b/w her & Camden. He crawls all over the place, walks along the furniture, and is starting to try standing on his own. Somehow I don't think it will be long before he starts really walking! My baby is growing up :)

What a cutie, huh? Most everyone says he looks just like Jenna. But, it's probably a toss up b/w her & Camden. He crawls all over the place, walks along the furniture, and is starting to try standing on his own. Somehow I don't think it will be long before he starts really walking! My baby is growing up :)
I am so EXCITED!!
Let me give a little background to this post....
For Christmas, I bought Tom a gift that honestly, I really wanted for myself. BUT, I knew he would also like it, so I sacrificed & bought it for him anyways. What is it?? It's called The Racing Experience. There are a bunch of different options, but I chose a "middle of the road" option, which is basically that you ride with a professional race car driver in a real Nascar car for 6 laps at speeds of like 170 mph!! Does that sound like a rush, or what??? You can also buy a package that would allow him to actually drive a car, but we couldn't really afford that, so he had to settle for a ride.
Anyways, like I said, I bought it for him at Christmas, but the 1st time they were gonna be Talladega was in May, so I called to get him signed up for this last Friday, May 8 at 3:30. All the literature says you can bring anyone with you to watch & take pictures, so we took the 3 younger kids with us. (Mackenzie had other stuff going on) We showed up at 3:30 like we were supposed to, but long story short, when we got there we were told it had been cancelled that day! No one called us!! I was kinda ticked & later left a message letting them know I wasn't too happy about it. But, in the meantime, the guy at the gate said we could still go "into" the track & find someone to talk to about re-scheduling. So, we went in & ended up getting to walk around a bit & take some pictures & talk to some guy who was apologetic & very nice. I took some pictures, and then we left. The guy said he'd have someone get in touch with us...
WELL, somehow Tom missed a call back from this guy a while later, and he left us a message. Here's the part where I am so EXCITED!! Basically he said that to make it up to us they were giving ME a free ride as well!! SO, Tom and I will be racing side by side (w/professional drivers of course!) at the end of June! This guy says we will absolutely love it, which I have no doubt we will. After all, remember I said when I bought this thing in the first place that I really wanted it myself? Guess I got my wish after all, in a most round-about way!!
Anyways, until we race for real, here are a couple pictures I took:

Tom put her in the driver's seat, and she got real nervous for some reason. She wanted out!

The tunnel to leave the inside of the track. Goes under turn 4...

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