We enjoyed a fun Thanksgiving up in Ohio this year. We left Alabama Tues afternoon & didn't get in until 1:45 a.m. Ohio time. We got to see a bunch of Tom's family for Thanksgiving dinner, then spent the day Friday with my sister's family. On Saturday, we headed over to Ft. Wayne & got to see a bunch of old friends again! It was so much fun to see everyone, and the girls were SO excited to play with all their friends and cousins again. We headed back home Sunday after Sunday School, and hit a TON of traffic. I could have sworn I was travelling with 5 kids instead of 4 because of how much whining Tom did! He couldn't believe the amount of traffic, and that just put him in a miserable mood. The kids did OK for the amount of time we were in the car, but Tom was beside himself with anger & frustration. We had a few meltdowns from the backseat a couple times (you know...the "she's touching me" and "she hit me and it hurts REALLY bad" kind of meltdowns) but we're back home now & everyone slept great last night!
Trevin is not such a good traveller :( but I guess 1 in 4 isn't bad. He also did not sleep so great while we were gone. He was up at least once every night, and sometimes twice. Which means not so great sleep for me either which I'm sure I'll hear about at some point later on about how grumpy I was. Oh well...
A couple funny Camden stories for you -
On Thursday, Tom took Camden outside for a little fresh air. He was outside for quite a while, and then we saw this lady come walking up the sidewalk and she rang the doorbell. Tom's sister answered the door and this lady asked "Is anyone here missing a toddler?" I was sitting there in the front room and knew immediately it was Camden. So, I took off out the front door and Camden was about 4 houses down walking down the sidewalk just as clueless as could be. Not a care in the world. He gave me this big smile and I brought him back in the house. I then proceeded to find Tom in the backyard and ask where Camden was. He (obviously) said "I don't know....I walked across the creek (on a fallen log I might add) and when I came back he was gone. Have you seen him?" I let him know that it was his job to keep an eye on Camden & that why in the world would he cross the creek and leave Camden on his own, and then have the nerve to wonder where he's at? I let Tom start searching frantically, but when he asked "Isn't he inside?" I just ignored him for a second because I didn't want to lie, but then ended up telling him that yes he was inside only thanks to some neighbor who happened to find him walking along the sidewalk down the street. Nice job, Tom!!
Then, Saturday night we were at our friend's house in Ft. Wayne and all the kids were playing and having a great time. Camden wasn't always with the bigger kids, but if he wasn't, he was usually upstairs with the adults in the playroom. So, when we decided to take a big picture of all the kids that were there, I didn't think much when Camden didn't come up from downstairs with all of them. I turned around & asked Tom to grab him from the playroom so he could be in the picture. As we got the rest of the kids arranged for the picture, Tom still wasn't back, so we all kind joked that he must have gotten sidetracked looking for Camden. Well, a minute later, Tom came walking up from downstairs with a sobbing Camden in his arms. He said he had found him trapped in the bathroom! We really have no idea for sure how long he had been trapped in there because it was so noisy with all the other kids playing down there that we wouldn't have heard him, and we has just assumed he was in the playroom upstairs. Oops!! Nice job, Tom and Ruth!

After all that, I'm really hoping no one calls child services on us! Poor Camden...
When we went to Sunday School Sunday morning, there was NO snow, and when we got out an hour later, this is what it looked like! This is for my Alabama friends who think they love snow! :)

Tom and Camden: