Here we were with our suits on waiting for our names to be called to race

Getting into the cars...Tom is in the blue #5, and I'm in the red #9

Racing side by side
Now I know it looks in these pictures like Tom's car was always in the lead, but we actually kept switching back & forth for the entire 6 laps, and on the last lap when we raced side by side, my car actually BEAT Tom's by about half an arm length over the finish line :)
And let me mention that it was HOT the day we got to do it!! It was about 95 degrees, not including the humidity. By the time you put on the racing suit & a helmet, it's crazy hot. But, again, so worth it! They had a couple tents set up for the spectators to sit under, but it was still hot for the kids to sit out & watch us. Plus, my friend Jennifer took them up the tower that I think the media uses on race day, where you can see the entire track, and it's literally right next to pit road, so the kids were more than ready to go when we were done! But, they said it was fun to watch us going so fast. If you ever have a chance to do this, I would definitely recommend it!