Here's a picture of the girls before the wedding:

When we got back home, Tom decided that he'd had enough of the races while we were gone, so he let me use the ticket he had, and I went to the races by myself! It was pretty neat (maybe a little boring at times), but overall a pretty fun experience. Here's a picture:

Lastly, today was Camden's surgery for his tubes & adenoids. He made it through surgery OK. The doctor said his ears were FULL of fluid, and he thinks he'll be glad to hear now, and that his adenoids were definitely so big that nothing could drain back down the throat, which is why it all came out his nose! I got to go back to the recovery room to get him after surgery, and he wasn't a very happy camper about the whole thing. It was kinda sad...every time he'd wake up a little, he cried. Once we got back to our room, he basically slept until we went home. I did my best to take a picture while I was holding him:

And even after sleeping for hours after surgery, he fell asleep again in the car on the way home, and this is what he looked like once we got home:

So far tonight he's been a little more like himself. He played a while this afternoon, then took another nap when Tom got home from work, and now that dinner's over, he's back up & around again. Hopefully he'll sleep tonight after all the sleeping he's done today. His nose is still really runny, and he's got a bit of a cough, but hopefully in the next day or so all this will clear up. He's on a liquid diet today and tomorrow we can go to soft stuff, then hopefully back to normal by Wednesday.
Well, I'm off to get kids in bed now!