Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Another tooth

Sorry I don't have pictures this time. Just wanted to say that Camden cut one of his top teeth yesterday. It's just barely through, but enough so that when he puts your finger in his mouth now you get bit from top & bottom :) That's kinda how I found out....he was chewing on my chin yesterday (OK, I know it's weird that he had my chin in his mouth, but you have to understand that he has been chewing on absolutely anything he can get his hands on) and I thought "hmm....that feels sharp from both the top & bottom." So, I checked & sure enough it had come through his gum.

Tonight we took the girls bowling. Mackenzie actually did really well! She got a 90!! Granted she had the bumpers up, but she actually got the ball down the alley quite a few times w/o hitting them! And in the 2nd or 3rd frame, she actually got a strike w/o hitting the bumpers!!! We were absolutely amazed. Tom only beat her by getting a strike in the 10th frame, and he ended with 105. Needless to say, Mackenzie was not too happy that he pulled through in the end to beat her. Must be she inherited our competitive spirit, and she did not like to lose. For those of you that may remember, we used to be able to say she was the 2nd winner, or whatever, but that no longer works. I tried to keep her innocence as long as possible....

Jenna on the other hand was just happy to get the ball down the alley. Her average speed was about 1.5 mph I think :) And Camden was happy to just sit in the stroller & watch the screen & lights & such. I opted not to bowl (probably so I wouldn't lose to Mackenzie).

Guess that's it for now!

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