This is a quick picture of our family on Mother's Day:

The next 2 pictures are "before & after" pictures. This 1st picture was taken back in December of 6 of us girls from my Sunday School class who were all pregnant & due within about 2 months of each other. Our friend Kristi wasn't there when this was taken, and she would have been right in the middle. From the right is Marissa, Kristin, Jen, me, Dawn, and Michelle:

This second picture was taken on Mother's Day. These are the babies from the above picture, with the exception of Kristin's. For those of you who may not know, my dear friend Kristin had a little baby boy (Noah) in December who was diagnosed with Meckel-Gruber syndrome back during her 2nd trimester. This is a fatal sydrome, and he was not expected to survive birth. Not only did he survive the birth in December, but he lived for a little over and hour and a half, so Kristin & her husband were able to enjoy him for even that small amount of time. He went home to be with the Lord on December 14th, so he's not in the picture, but we still remember that he should have been with all these precious little ones. Below from right to left is Aynsley (Marissa's), Owen (Jen's), Camden, Camella (Kristi's), Miah (Dawn's) and Lydia (Michelle's):

We've actually had a couple days of nice weather, so the girls have been out on the trampoline with the sprinkler on cooling off! They absolutely love it!

A typical Jenna look...